Women Wear White Suits and Other SOTU Top Moments

President Donald Trump gave his State of the Union address a week later than originally scheduled because of the historic 35-day government shutdown. 

President Trump is not the first president to give an address at a time of turmoil, as Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and Abraham Lincoln share that distinction. Despite the backdrop of the shutdown and an ongoing Special Counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller into potential Russian collusion with the 2016 election, Trump's speech was met with applause throughout. 

Here are some of the top moments from the 2019 State of the Union address.

House Speaker Pelois and women Democrates and wearing white stood and cheered after President Trump praised the increased number of women serving in Congress.

"Exactly one century after Congress passed the Constitutional Amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in Congress than ever before," President Trump said. 

The women stood with raised hands cheering. The chamber responded by chanting, "USA, USA, USA."

Most women on that side of the House chamber wore the color favored by suffragettes. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wore a white caped blazer. A man wore white, too: Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota.

President Trump said that America needed a wall at the southern border. 

"Simply put, walks work and walls save lives," Trump said. "So let's work together, comprise and reach a deal that will truly make America safe."

The chamber sings "Happy Birthday" to Judah Samet, Pittsbugh shooting and Holocause survivor.

Alice Johnson, a grandmother who was pardoned by President Trump after 22 years in prison, sat next to Jared Kushner in the chamber and wiped a tear as the president introduced her. 

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes as he's introduced by President Trump.

Photo Credit: Andrew Harnik/AP
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Women Wear White Suits and Other SOTU Top Moments Women Wear White Suits and Other SOTU Top Moments Reviewed by nice on 7:26 PM Rating: 5

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